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Sep 16, 2020
To My Newly Pregnant Friend
This weekend, I found out that one of my best friends is pregnant with her first baby! And I am so excited by the mere idea of a mini...

Sep 13, 2020
You're a Mini-Me
There it was...the moment when you looked right up to me with those big brown eyes, raised foot, and stomped it down with a little...

Sep 10, 2020
My Coffee Cup Was Full of Tears
I've had a really hard time lately. Juggling my art, kids, being a wife, a maid, a chef,and family member. Tears falling into my coffee...

Aug 11, 2020
Being a Mom to Young Kids
Being a mom to young kids is a weird time in life. It's a time when you're kind of lonely, but never really alone. Where you find...

Aug 10, 2020
First Family Fishing Day
My husband's new and latest hobby, which I also used to do a lot with my grandpa growing up. And we thought that yesterday...

Aug 2, 2020
Camping with Kids
If you're here, chances are that you are an outdoor lover, but have been a little apprehensive about taking your first camping trip with...

Aug 1, 2020
To the Parents Making Decisions on School
As we officially hit August and nearing the school year, parents are all feeling all of the emotions right now. If they send their kids...

Jul 28, 2020
I Pray for You, My Children
Dear Christopher and AnnaLynne, I prayed for you. Before you were born. For your arrival. Before meals and at bedtime. But also alone....

Jul 21, 2020
Open Letter to My Wild Child
Dear AnnaLynne, My youngest child. My little girl. My wild child. My absolutely, positively already difficult child. You were trouble...

Jul 1, 2020
Being the First Friend to Have Kids
Growing up, I felt like all of my friends and I had our whole lives mapped out to a tee. We knew exactly what we were going to do, when...

Jun 20, 2020
Open Letter to All Dads
Dear Dads, Or whatever name you may go by - Dad, Dada, Daddy, Papa, Padre, Pops, BigMan. In the hectic pace of our days, blur of our...

Jun 15, 2020
Being a Good Mom According to Others
As mothers we're constantly being told so many things by others of what a good mother is... A good mother never bottle feeds, only...

Jun 3, 2020
Open Letter to My Daughter as She Turns One
Oh my sweet AnnaLynne, I cannot believe that you are one! I remember how much I prayed for you at this point last year. Given that you...

May 31, 2020
Establishing a Self-Care Power Hour
Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite things as not only a mother, but as a wife: Having a self-care power hour. It's been...

May 28, 2020
Being a Girl Mom
I feel like there is always so much talk about being a boy mom, between the memes, t-shirt, hashtags, and I mean I even have a post of...

May 23, 2020
Having Grace and Mercy in Motherhood
Hi, my name is Jordan. And I am not a good enough wife or mother. I get moody and clingy. I struggle to keep up with the cleanliness of...

May 21, 2020
Having Kids Two Years Apart
So many times I've found myself asking how other moms can handle three or four small children at one time. It's mentally daunting how...

May 20, 2020
The Last Baby
A couple days ago my daughter started walking. And I realizing that there’s just something so special about the last baby. Because when...

May 19, 2020
I Never Want to Forget
I never want to forget how hard this is. So often I've felt the judgement of others as they on looked tantrums, my parenting techniques,...

May 14, 2020
Having a Daddy's Girl
I wasn't expecting that way that having a girl would wreck me. I mean I had already had a son, how different could it really be? But it...

May 13, 2020
Open Letter to My Children
Dear Chris and Annie, These last few months have been interesting, to say the least. When this year started, I never could've imagined...

Apr 20, 2020
What I Want My Kids to Know About Real Love
The other day my husband and I were out taking a little us time shooting. When I found myself just staring at my husband, feeling this...

Apr 19, 2020
Surviving Having a Different Parenting Style
I love the times with friends and family where the children are running around wildly with crunched Cheerios and muddy footprints...

Apr 15, 2020
Struggling Through Motherhood
If you’ve read my last few posts, then you know that I’m struggling. Normally, I‘m a very patient and rational person who loves solving...

Apr 10, 2020
Seasons of Motherhood
This morning I sat in bed with my not-so-much-babies children - wandering how my big boy will be three and my baby will be one VERY soon....

Apr 2, 2020
Being a Happy Mom in Unhappy Times
When will it get better? It's the question we've all asked at some point or another - whether it be a first-time mom blown away with what...

Mar 27, 2020
I Wish I Could Freeze Time
I wish that I could freeze time, as it is...right now. And live in it for the rest of time. You, my children, are so pure, so curious,...

Mar 25, 2020
Staying Sane During Quarantine
As the COVID-19 outbreak has shut down schools, day cares, jobs, and public places, many parents late left home with stir-crazy children....

Mar 6, 2020
Being Undermined as a Stay-at-Home Mom
Being a stay-at-home mom can be a very thankless job sometimes. Most days I feel like I am killing myself all day long to look around to...

Feb 27, 2020
Importance of Cousins
Our kids have A LOT of cousins, some that live just down the street and some 4 hours away. And every time that they get together, there...

Feb 25, 2020
Parenting a Toddler While Pregnant
When my husband and I decided to have a second baby, we knew that meant having it about 2-3 years after my first. For two main reasons:...

Feb 5, 2020
Having a Boy with Long Hair
So, daddy has always wanted to grow out his own hair (but can't because he's in the Army) with a love for rock and mommy has always loved...

Feb 3, 2020
Open Letter to My Messy Home
To my messy home, Wow, you've really let yourself go lately. Granted, you weren't exactly in the best shape in the first place before we...

Jan 31, 2020
Open Letter to the SAHM
Dear Stay-at-home-mom, Do you remember the days when this was the dream? When all that you pictured as a little girl was getting married...

Jan 30, 2020
Having Dogs and Babies
When you find out that you're pregnant, you are overwhelmed with all of the natural feelings of nervousness and excitement. And if you're...

Jan 29, 2020
Organizing My Planner
How many times did I post last week? What should I post this week? What's on the schedule again for Christopher's "preschool" learning?...

Jan 27, 2020
The Lasts
Sometimes we have these moments that we wish we could hold onto forever. The first time that we become a mother, that our babies smile,...

Jan 25, 2020
Mommy Self Care
Self care, something that we all know is important, yet still let fade into the shadows. But here's the thing, with it comes the better...

Jan 22, 2020
Transitioning to a Two-Kid Family
This morning on Instagram, I had someone ask "what's the difference you saw since having two kids, instead of just one?" and it got me...

Jan 21, 2020
Someday I'll Be Me Again
Someday I'll be me again. Someday I'll start to read grown up books that peak my interest and challenge my own intellect more often than...
Jan 14, 2020
I Feel Like the Worst Mom Ever
Some days, I’m just the worst mom ever. I’m coming into my third year of motherhood and yet I still make simple rookie mistakes. I forget...

Jan 6, 2020
I’m officially going to open the blog to one of the most talked about controversies in motherhood, co-sleeping. Before I had my son, it...

Dec 24, 2019
Family Pictures
The holiday season is upon us! And as the festive part of the year is all about spending time with family and making lasting memories, it...

Dec 23, 2019
New Found Love
I thought I knew love before I had kids. I love my husband - I mean, we’ve been together for 8 years, I’ve gotta love that man. Over the...

Dec 13, 2019
Harsh Reality Check by My Toddler
Being a stay-at-home mom means that my computer and phone are like another limb to me. With every buzz of the phone, I react. Admittedly,...

Dec 11, 2019
Watching My Husband Become a Father
Becoming a mom was absolutely life-changing. The feeling that consumed my entire being happened in an indescribable flash. The...

Dec 9, 2019
Our Kids Won't Grow Up Believing in Santa
Christmas is easily the most magical time of the year - for numerous reasons. I truly love all of the holiday spirit entangled in it. But...

Dec 2, 2019
This is Motherhood
You want to know what motherhood is like? Well this is me. The real me - in the glory of motherhood. The woman who wears sweats all day...
Nov 30, 2019
Things No One Tells You About Motherhood
I had my fair share of mommy books to read, friends to turn to, and advice after advice after advice. But I have to say, there’s been so...
Nov 26, 2019
Dealing With Mom Guilt
What is mom guilt? Basically the feeling of guilt for being completely human. Getting angry, yelling, stressed, and anxious - things that...
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