Some days, I’m just the worst mom ever. I’m coming into my third year of motherhood and yet I still make simple rookie mistakes. I forget to pack a water bottle and snacks when I’m going to be gone for an extended period of time. I leave behind a change of clothes for my 99% potty trained toddler. And damn, I just realize it's been two whole minutes that I’ve left said toddler to play as I do the dishes, and he’s being awfully quiet.
Some days, I wake up ready and confident for what the day will bring. And then my son throws a tantrum because he didn’t want THAT shape of noodles for his soup. And he didn’t quite make it to the potty...for the third time just this morning. And then getting him into the bath (which on any other day he loves) takes 20 whole minutes. And then he completely refuses to pick up any of his toys. And then he screams at the top of his lungs through 3 whole minutes of time out. And then...I just snap.
Some days, I yell and administer discipline out of pure anger. My son looking at me with so much frustration, and then I realize - I’ve blown it. Some days I feel like I’m always blowing it. I can hear him in the background talking to his toys, saying “Get down, now!”, “I said no!”, “Why!?”. And I worry about if these are the things that he will remember. The days full of anger, yelling, and scolding.
Some days, I feel like I’m failing.
Some days, my strong-willed toddler outgrows the discipline tactics that have worked forever and then we’re both sitting there wondering what will come next. So he begins to kick, scream, and flail around (of course usually outside of the house). And then I think that this is my life now and I have officially failed as a mother.
But on most days, the rational part of my brain tells me that there’s no way that I could possibly always be messing up. I love my children with every ounce of me. I dedicate my whole life caring for them, always ensuring their safety and happiness. We spend every minute of every day together - reading books, playing with toys, watching movies, bathing, eating, going on adventures, singing, and dancing until we’re laughing so hard my son's belly hurts. So although it feels like it some days, I try and care WAY too much to be a bad mom. I might never be the best mom (who really is?), but being the best mom that I can be? Well that ain’t so difficult.
So mamas hang in there and don't forget to use those tips on dealing with temper tantrums, how to deal with mom guilt, and how to take on those bad mommy days. And leave a comment to the times you felt like the worst mom ever.