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Aug 20, 2020
Thank You for Being the Father Neither of us Had
Dear Marc, I grew up with a dad up until the age of 14. The year that my father left and that I found you. And you grew up without a...

Aug 5, 2020
Prioritizing My Faith
I have been a girlfriend, wife, or mother for the last 8 1/2 years. Yet, there are days when I fail immensely at my role as a proper...

Jul 8, 2020
My Husband Loves His Hobbies
I don't think that I've realized just how much my husband loves his hobbies until this past year. He's gotten a motorcycle, bought two...

Jun 29, 2020
He is the Man God Chose For Me
Ever since I was a little girl, I prayed for my future husband. So I knew exactly what I wanted in a man as I prayed God would send the...

Jun 20, 2020
Open Letter to All Dads
Dear Dads, Or whatever name you may go by - Dad, Dada, Daddy, Papa, Padre, Pops, BigMan. In the hectic pace of our days, blur of our...

Jun 13, 2020
Part of Our Marriage is Asking Permission
I ask my husband for permission before I do anything. Between meeting with friends, going shopping, investing in this blog, or even just...

Jun 11, 2020
His Strong Hands Hold Us Together
My husband, when not active for the National Guard, works a manual labor job. He supports our family solely by the sweat of his brow and...

May 5, 2020
It’s Easy Loving You
Here I go again...listening to music and relating it to my own life, but when Easy by Jason Aldean came on, I couldn't help myself. I...

Apr 20, 2020
What I Want My Kids to Know About Real Love
The other day my husband and I were out taking a little us time shooting. When I found myself just staring at my husband, feeling this...

Mar 11, 2020
Having a Traditional Marriage Part 2: Equality
The other day I was driving around town, moving boxes, when I looked down and saw my ring. And I began to think about my marriage. Some...

Feb 17, 2020
Our Love
Right now, my husband and I's love is small. Not in a bad way...not at all. Our love has stood for eight years now. We've survived...

Feb 6, 2020
Open Letter to My Husband
Maybe it's because we have officially entered the love month or that Valentine's is fast approaching, but I am feeling a tremendous...
Jan 22, 2020
Apparently Husbands Can’t Read Minds
It’s taken me eight years to realize that men aren’t good mind readers. As a sensor feeler, I have always been able to easily tell when...

Jan 18, 2020
“Not Tonight”
Something I’ve said way too many times to my husband. Because the truth is, I don’t want to be touched. I’ve been poked and prodded all...

Dec 13, 2019
December Date Night: Army Holiday Party
Once a month, my husband and i make a point to drop the kids off for the night and get in some us time to connect, communicate, and...

Dec 11, 2019
Watching My Husband Become a Father
Becoming a mom was absolutely life-changing. The feeling that consumed my entire being happened in an indescribable flash. The...

Dec 6, 2019
My Unwritten Vows
It's been a little over a year now since Marc and I decided to tie our lives legally together. On September 28, 2018, we went down to the...

Nov 21, 2019
Our Love Story
Marc and I's love story is something scripted straight out of a romantic comedy (my favorite movies by the way). Think about it. The plot...

Nov 21, 2019
What My Parents' Divorce Taught Me
Going through my parents' divorce was one of the most impactful experiences that I have ever had. And almost nine years later, I still...

Nov 19, 2019
Honesty in Marriage
When I said my vows with my husband, I knew from the very beginning that it meant committing my WHOLE self to him. I chose to give him...
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