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Sep 16, 2020
To My Newly Pregnant Friend
This weekend, I found out that one of my best friends is pregnant with her first baby! And I am so excited by the mere idea of a mini...

May 28, 2020
Being a Girl Mom
I feel like there is always so much talk about being a boy mom, between the memes, t-shirt, hashtags, and I mean I even have a post of...

Feb 8, 2020
Color of Breastmilk
If you were asked to take a picture of your breastmilk, what would it be? A bottle of white or yellowish liquid? Milky white goodness...

Feb 8, 2020
Pregnancy Fears
I spent a lot of both of my pregnancies in fear. With Christopher, I was only 19 years old and had no idea what to expect, and with...

Feb 8, 2020
Milestones for Each Trimester
Congratulations! You are pregnant and now a mama! Now, are you ready to navigate the nine months of pregnancy? This journey truly is...

Jan 30, 2020
Having Dogs and Babies
When you find out that you're pregnant, you are overwhelmed with all of the natural feelings of nervousness and excitement. And if you're...

Jan 18, 2020
The Pacifier
Pacifier, paci, nuk nuk, binky, and chupon - the many names for the tiniest thing that is like mommy magic. It's easy, quick, and turns...

Jan 6, 2020
I’m officially going to open the blog to one of the most talked about controversies in motherhood, co-sleeping. Before I had my son, it...

Dec 11, 2019
Watching My Husband Become a Father
Becoming a mom was absolutely life-changing. The feeling that consumed my entire being happened in an indescribable flash. The...
Dec 4, 2019
Picking the Perfect Baby Name
One of the most exciting parts about being pregnant Is figuring out a name for your little bundle of joy! I mean come on, we’ve all been...

Dec 2, 2019
Breastfeeding Complications and Challenges
Breastfeeding can be say the least. And especially in the early days. But I am here to say that you are not alone! For...

Nov 21, 2019
Picking a Pediatrician
Many women don't know that they should actually pick a pediatrician during pregnancy! Doing so early on by setting up consultations with...

Nov 21, 2019
Medicine Cabinet Essentials for Baby
Nothing weighs on us mothers more than having a sick baby. You'll want to do just about anything to comfort them and get them back to...

Nov 19, 2019
Decisions in Pregnancy
The decisions that we make during our pregnancy journey are much much more than just picking out the color of the nursery. Health Care...

Nov 18, 2019
The ULTIMATE Baby Registry
Expecting a tiny little human can be say the least. And that includes being prepared for them by checking off all the...

Nov 11, 2019
Being a Boy Mom
What is it like having a boy? It is living in a house with pee all over the bathroom floor, no food in the fridge, laughs at burps, hurt...

Nov 7, 2019
AnnaLynne's Birth Story
AnnaLynne Rose Valero was born on June 3, 2019 at 6:29 am, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces with a height of 18 3/4 inches. And let me tell...

Nov 7, 2019
Christopher's Birth Story
Christopher Matthew Valero was born on May 9, 2017 at 1:03 pm, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounce with a length on 20 inches. And I have to...

Nov 5, 2019
Breastfeeding. The most emotion-filled word in the early stage of motherhood. Why? Because for some, it is magical, rewarding, and...
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