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Sep 16, 2020
To My Newly Pregnant Friend
This weekend, I found out that one of my best friends is pregnant with her first baby! And I am so excited by the mere idea of a mini...

Sep 13, 2020
You're a Mini-Me
There it was...the moment when you looked right up to me with those big brown eyes, raised foot, and stomped it down with a little...

Sep 10, 2020
My Coffee Cup Was Full of Tears
I've had a really hard time lately. Juggling my art, kids, being a wife, a maid, a chef,and family member. Tears falling into my coffee...

Aug 26, 2020
The Truth About Toddlers
You want to know the truth about toddlers? Well I have two, a three-year-old and a one-year-old, and this is how it is... No matter how...

Aug 11, 2020
Being a Mom to Young Kids
Being a mom to young kids is a weird time in life. It's a time when you're kind of lonely, but never really alone. Where you find...

Aug 10, 2020
First Family Fishing Day
My husband's new and latest hobby, which I also used to do a lot with my grandpa growing up. And we thought that yesterday...

Aug 2, 2020
Camping with Kids
If you're here, chances are that you are an outdoor lover, but have been a little apprehensive about taking your first camping trip with...

Aug 1, 2020
To the Parents Making Decisions on School
As we officially hit August and nearing the school year, parents are all feeling all of the emotions right now. If they send their kids...

Jul 28, 2020
I Pray for You, My Children
Dear Christopher and AnnaLynne, I prayed for you. Before you were born. For your arrival. Before meals and at bedtime. But also alone....

Jul 21, 2020
Open Letter to My Wild Child
Dear AnnaLynne, My youngest child. My little girl. My wild child. My absolutely, positively already difficult child. You were trouble...
Jul 15, 2020
Toddler Chores
Chores, for a toddler? Some people think that it is outrageous, but toddlers actually are in the perfect age for pitching in. Given that...

Jul 7, 2020
Toddler Activities to Implement Every Day
It really is true when they say that our babies grow up in the blink of an eye. I mean, I feel like my little man went from a newborn...

Jul 1, 2020
Being the First Friend to Have Kids
Growing up, I felt like all of my friends and I had our whole lives mapped out to a tee. We knew exactly what we were going to do, when...

Jun 20, 2020
Open Letter to All Dads
Dear Dads, Or whatever name you may go by - Dad, Dada, Daddy, Papa, Padre, Pops, BigMan. In the hectic pace of our days, blur of our...

Jun 15, 2020
Being a Good Mom According to Others
As mothers we're constantly being told so many things by others of what a good mother is... A good mother never bottle feeds, only...

May 31, 2020
Establishing a Self-Care Power Hour
Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite things as not only a mother, but as a wife: Having a self-care power hour. It's been...

May 28, 2020
Being a Girl Mom
I feel like there is always so much talk about being a boy mom, between the memes, t-shirt, hashtags, and I mean I even have a post of...

May 23, 2020
Having Grace and Mercy in Motherhood
Hi, my name is Jordan. And I am not a good enough wife or mother. I get moody and clingy. I struggle to keep up with the cleanliness of...

May 21, 2020
Having Kids Two Years Apart
So many times I've found myself asking how other moms can handle three or four small children at one time. It's mentally daunting how...

May 20, 2020
The Last Baby
A couple days ago my daughter started walking. And I realizing that there’s just something so special about the last baby. Because when...
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