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Being a Good Mom According to Others

As mothers we're constantly being told so many things by others of what a good mother is...

A good mother never bottle feeds, only breastfeeds. But not in public, and if you have to then cover it up. Oh, and make sure it's not for too long, only until they turn one.

A good mother never co-sleeps or lets them cry it out.

A good mother makes sure that their baby takes a bottle so that others can watch them, but don't let them them have that bottle anymore.

A good mom lets their baby know that they're loved. But don't you dare hold that baby too much.

A good mom sleeps when the baby sleeps. But maintains a clean household with laundry always done.

Be a good mom...

A good mom doesn't yell at her kids. But teaches them discipline and never spoils them.

A good mom gives their kids opportunities that they never had.

A good mom vaccinates their kids. But doesn't over-vaccinate.

A good mom gets pregnant when others expect them to. But doesn't have her kids too close or too far apart in age.

A good mom doesn't have a c-section. They give birth naturally, unless it's an emergency c-section.

Be a good mom...

A good mom never wears pajamas to drop-offs and volunteers for every school activity.

A good mom loses all of the baby weight. Yet eats enough to keep up their milk supply.

A good mom can get their kids to sleep through the night easily.

A good mom saves for college.

A good mom throws the best, expensive, and elaborate birthday parties ever.

Be a good mom...

A good mom doesn't give her kid screen time. Well maybe a little, but not too much.

A good mom works from home. But also should work, but not too much.

A good mom should be friends with her kids to build trust. But shouldn't be friends with her kids because they won't respect her.

A good mom enrolls her kids in activities. But makes alone time to have for just her and the kids. And her husband. And herself.

But you know what I say? You're a good mom because YOU ARE A MOM. I see you trying your best to do what's right for you, your children, and you family. And I'm here to say keep doing what is best for you and your family and give the rest to God!


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