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Jan 1, 2021
Welcome to the Family Jessie!
Y’all, I must really love my husband. Because this week, this man (after less than 24 hours of talking about it) brought home this little...

Dec 4, 2020
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Okay, I know that I am late to this one. Mostly because I’m usually so skeptical of books that are so hyped up that they end up on pretty...

Dec 2, 2020
December 2020 Goals
It‘s officially December (yes I know it’s a day late), and bearing the end of 2020. But as we close out the year being thankful for all...

Oct 5, 2020
Home is Where You Make It: Moving Update!!!
As many of you know, my husband and I have been wanting to move our family for the last almost year. But with Covid, getting signed up...

Sep 16, 2020
To My Newly Pregnant Friend
This weekend, I found out that one of my best friends is pregnant with her first baby! And I am so excited by the mere idea of a mini...

Aug 19, 2020
August Coffee with Me
If you and I had coffee today I would have a iced caramel macchiato cloud - VENTI in hand. What would you have? I would probably drink it...

Aug 10, 2020
First Family Fishing Day
My husband's new and latest hobby, which I also used to do a lot with my grandpa growing up. And we thought that yesterday...

Aug 2, 2020
Camping with Kids
If you're here, chances are that you are an outdoor lover, but have been a little apprehensive about taking your first camping trip with...

Jul 22, 2020
That One Friend
I have acquaintances. Friendships that I have cared for deeply over the years. Friends that I love and cherish today. But I also have...

Jul 20, 2020
The Simple Life
All I've ever wanted was to live a simple life. To have a husband who loves me. To have children I adore. To have a faith that I felt to...

Jul 15, 2020
Coffee with Jordan (July)
I wanted to kind of start this new segment - where once a month, I want to let out all my venting to you guys. Just as I would if we sat...

Jul 13, 2020
About Me!
In case you're new here, I thought that today would be the perfect opportunity to re-introduce myself! My name is Jordan Nicol Valero....

Jul 2, 2020
Creating an Intentional Life Plan
Do you ever feel like you just can't get this whole life thing figured out - mostly because you keep changing your mind all the time? I...

Jun 20, 2020
Open Letter to All Dads
Dear Dads, Or whatever name you may go by - Dad, Dada, Daddy, Papa, Padre, Pops, BigMan. In the hectic pace of our days, blur of our...

Jun 10, 2020
Keeping My Life Organized
Though I'm one who talks A LOT about the importance of acceptance and patience especially when it comes to my faith, I'll be the first to...

Jun 3, 2020
Open Letter to My Daughter as She Turns One
Oh my sweet AnnaLynne, I cannot believe that you are one! I remember how much I prayed for you at this point last year. Given that you...

May 31, 2020
Establishing a Self-Care Power Hour
Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite things as not only a mother, but as a wife: Having a self-care power hour. It's been...

May 13, 2020
Open Letter to My Children
Dear Chris and Annie, These last few months have been interesting, to say the least. When this year started, I never could've imagined...

May 9, 2020
Christopher is THREE!!!
Three years ago, I found myself in a hospital bed with a fetal monitor strapped to my belly, ultrasound gel oozing from the sides of it,...

May 4, 2020
Resetting My Mindset
As you all know, this year has been full of ups and downs for me. To give you more of an idea of what I mean, in March my husband and I...
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