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The Simple Life

All I've ever wanted was to live a simple life.

To have a husband who loves me. To have children I adore. To have a faith that I felt to the core. To have a place that always was a home. To have food on our table, and amazing friends to share it with. And love always in our hearts. That was what my definition of success in life always measured up to be. Never popularity. Never the perfect body. And never wealth.

All I really ever wanted were the simple things.

Which isn't to say that I'm always happy or that I don't sometimes crave a little more. I mean, occasionally, I catch my mind wandering with the 'what ifs'.

But then something happens that brings me right back to where I started from. My son whispering "Love you mommy" as I walk out of his room every night. Or watching my kids playing together laughing. Or a glimpse at all that we've been blessed with around us. Or a quick kiss from my husband as he leaves every morning. Or when he lets me take a nap on a lazy Sunday because he wants me to get a break, too. Or my blogging community leaving sweet comments on every post. Or a quick catch-up with friends once a month where we laugh all night.

And I remember - these are the things I've ever wanted. And it makes me, honestly, cry with so much thankfulness.

They're not grand. Not particularly shiny. They're quite simple when you compare them to other things out there. But for me, this life I'm in now is the best dream come true. And I can't wait to see what else it has in store for me.


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