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Open Letter to My Children

Dear Chris and Annie,

These last few months have been interesting, to say the least. When this year started, I never could've imagined what 2020 would hold for our family. I didn't know that we would have to spend a lot of our days completely at home, missing friends, family, and having to cancel your baptism. It is a strange feeling to be so isolated from the rest of the word, yet so close as a family. Even as stuff now is opening back up.

And as we continue to do our own social distancing, it is a challenge some days to keep our lives feeling normal for two little kids. But along with the new challenges come blessings. Life just has a slower feeling to them.

Our home has become a safe place from the scary situations displayed across our screen. Family time has become all day, every day. And from what I've seen on social media, many other families are in the same "forced" fellowship with each other boat as we are. All of rediscovering the joy of what it means to just be with the ones you love the most.

Which I know one day you won't even remember except for what we tell you and the photos you'll see in scrapbooks or the new from of social media posting. I mean you're only 1 and 3 years old. Because of your youth and innocence, you haven't and probably won't be scared or worried as many adults are right now. You don't know that the world was shut down for months because of a pandemic, or that we were quarantined at home. You don't even know what any of those words mean.

You just know that we can't go to the playground or do our normal activities right now. But you haven't really questioned anything further than that. You were used to going somewhere and seeing others on a regular basis - and yet, you really haven't complained about not getting to. Not even once. You actually seem perfectly happy to play at home with each other, exploring the backyard, the home, and going on small outdoor adventures.

And during these days, I have been standing back in awe of you two. Blessed by your relationship with each other. I mean, I have always known what a gift each of you is to both your father and I. But now, I get to see your relationship with each other. Growing into something so real and strong with the kindness you show, toughness you bring out, and special bond of friendship developing. Now I realize that you are also a gift to each other.

I'm not saying it's been perfect though. There's been some moments of normal sibling fighting, and toy taking. But it never really lasts for very long. Soon back to hugs, kisses, giggles, and love. Watching you two share (sometimes) and taking care of each other. I am so comforted at this time that you have each other. Going to sleep at night lying next to each other. Waking up looking for each other. When the world is not what we think it should be, you two remind me that there are still blessings to find within each day.

And as we start to try to ease back into "normalcy", I pray for so many things. I pray that the closeness that our family has experienced during this time will continue long after this is done. I pray that the laughter continues to flow freely with love, patience, grace, and forgiveness. And I pray that the bond that you two have formed will remain strong throughout your lives.




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