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Creating an Intentional Life Plan

Do you ever feel like you just can't get this whole life thing figured out - mostly because you keep changing your mind all the time? I personally used to be such a planner, but ever since having a family, I feel like my 5-10 year plans have changed so much between the kids, my husband, and having passions for a lot of things.

But the trouble with not having a solid plan is that I never feel like I know what my life is going to look like. I mean I've known people who decided their whole career and family path in high school and knew exactly what their life would turn out to be like.

Which I guess not having a solid plan for the future can be kind of both a blessing and a curse. Because it makes you open-minded to things to happen, but also means that there is sort of a lack of direction. Making you think you have it all figured out until you end up changing your mind a week or two later.

Luckily, there's an option in this all that include creating a plan for your life even if you have no idea where you're exactly headed. Because it becomes so much easier to focus on what truly matter to you and not on the societal views of what you should be doing. Here's my tips in how to help find clarity around what you want in life to have more of a direction.

What Is An Intentional Life Plan?

When you first think of a life plan, I'm sure that you think that it exclusively extends to a career path. Because, ideally, if we can figure out early on enough that we are going to do this, that, and the other, then we're set for life, right? But what if you're a multi-passionate person like me who is indecisive about what your future may look like?

That's the thing about a life plan - it is so much more than just jobs and relationships. It's more about including all of the aspects of your life so that the values that we chose to uphold are actually upheld. It's about deciding what legacy you want to leave behind and making those small changes to push towards it. Because even if you're not a 5-10 year kind of person, I'm sure that you still have values, priorities, and visions for your life that you'd like to come true. i mean, personally, my values and utmost priorities have always been pretty specific with my vision a little more open-minded.

And that's why the life plan is a system that helps you physically visualize what's important in all of the aspects of life. A guide to lean on in times of need that can always remind you of what you're striving towards, no matter how unsure life seems to look right now.

How To Create A Life Plan

Let's start out with a little visualization exercise to help provide clear guidelines by picturing what life will look like in 5-10 years.

  • Who's in your life? Imagine all of the people that you'd like to be surround by. Maybe that include people that are currently in your life, ones who just came into it, ones who you'd like to reconnect with, or maybe people you haven't even met yet. What personality traits you admire do they exhibit? What kind of interests and hobbies do they have? How do they make you feel when you're around them?

  • What's your environment? Are you in the country, near the ocean, in the mountains, or on a plan? Are you in a small town, big city, or something in-between?

  • What's your lifestyle? What kind of habits are you practicing? Do you have strict routines that you have set up? What does a typical day look like? What's some activities that you're doing for fun?

  • How's your financial stability? What's the amount of money that you'd like to make on a typical basis? Are you living a comfortable life with your bank account statements?

  • What are your accomplishments? What goals have you made happen

  • How do you feel? Are you content, motivated, calm, excited, or a mix of all?

Creating Your Intentional Life Plan

So I recently (like just this week) created my life plan. Mostly because of how much future hangs in the balance right now and how much guidance we needed. And after visualizing what I wanted, I wrote down a list that I drew from in these areas of our life:

  • Finances

  • Career

  • Physical Health

  • Mental Health

  • Spirituality

  • Relationships

  • Home

  • Recreation/Fun


What do I do once I have my life plan?

  • The life plan is supposed to serve as a reminder of everything that you are working towards. You don't have to use it as an action list that you turn to every single day, but rather as a tool that can help you guide in times of uncertainty to help better equip you in making decisions. I like to have mine in my purse so that I can easily access it every day to remind me of what's important.

What if I’m having a hard time visualizing what I want?

  • Patience is key. It's important to be compassionate with yourself and have a lot of grace during this. Try to practice the little things that help you with a little peace of mind - exercise, gratitude, meditation. journaling, or praying. And keep going through it all until you eventually have more clarity.

What does your Intentional Life Plan look like?


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