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Toddler Activities to Implement Every Day

It really is true when they say that our babies grow up in the blink of an eye. I mean, I feel like my little man went from a newborn baby to an active toddler WAY too fast. But with toddlerhood comes learning how to interact with others properly, speak, problem solve, and hone in all of their motor skills. And as parents, I believe that it is our responsibility to try to encourage these active and curious toddlers to learn as much as humanly possible during this prime time of information taking. So here are the 10 daily activities that I try to implement into my toddler's everyday learning:

Hit the Books

If you know me, then you know that I'm not only a huge book nerd myself, but also a HUGE advocate for early on love for reading. It helps develop language, literacy, vocabulary, knowledge of new concepts, social skills, and relationships.

So I usually try to include it within both both our morning and nighttime routines. It's the perfect gate way into our "preschool" lesson for the day and way to wind down for bed by the end of the day. But you can also just trying to implement it during a napping routine, calm down time after play, or even just as an activity throughout the day. No matter what you chose, just reading to your child as possible is an amazing gift.

Tips: When you're picking out a book, try to choose a variety of age-appropriate books with a large vocabulary - including body parts, animals, shapes, colors, alphabet, and numbers. However, if your toddler chooses the same book over and over, that's totally fine as well. As long as you're getting in that reading time, they're going to benefit from it.

Get Outdoors

The second essential part of our days, and probably my son's favorite, is spending some time outdoors. Fresh air is so beneficial to everyone! Just getting outdoors is a perfect way to encourage exercise, Vitamin D, learning, and exploring.

I like to try to spend at least 15 minutes each day teaching my toddler how to appreciate nature by playing at parks, gardening, walks, bike rides, or playing with little bugs we find. Allowing him to dig, climb, run, and find all the critters. Also, I get some time to soak in those UV rays myself, which can sometimes take away all of that overwhelm and stress of a hectic morning to bring back a new energy level.

Start Counting

Try to get numbers into their minds as early as possible by including it in your normal routine. Counting how many feet they have as you put on their socks and then shoes. Counting how many plates you need for the family at dinner. Counting how many steps on the stairs when you're going up/down them. Counting how many cars are in the bucket. I mean, there are endless amount of ways that counting can be added throughout the day.

And the concept of counting and using numbers is a great way to prepare your children for understanding mathematic concepts in the future. As they build a real understanding of the importance of numbers in life, over just something they have to memorize.

Have a Dance Party

This one is probably my favorite. My son seems to have an endless amount of energy, so dancing is the perfect way for him to get out some energy when he needs to the most. Usually I'll just blast some music as we jump around, be silly, and just have some fun. It's not only great exercise and an excellent way to unwind, but also will leave you smiling and giggling your way into amazing memories.

Do Some Arts and Crafts

Artsy things usually don't last very long in the toddler stage, but they're still a very good activity to throw in every day. It establishes some creativity, helps with the development of fine motor skills, and is also the perfect time to introduce colors and shapes.

Do Some Exercise

Toddlers are naturally on the move due to their short attention span and never-ending curiosity. But we should still encourage them to be active in unstructured fun. Because the goal is to start introducing a love for exercise and physical activity to la down the foundation for a healthy and happy life.

Help Around the House

Toddlers are not too young to learn some chores. Actually most are thrilled to be given "big kid" jobs or just to be involved. Because they mostly just want to be part of the family by helping out just like everyone else. With the added benefits of giving them a sense of independence and responsibility.

Independent Time

Although it’s important to provide structured play each day, some alone time is just as important. It established independence, imagination, and creativity. It'll most likely include some imitation play from all of the replication that they love to express as they watch us all day long.

End of the Day Reflection

At the end of the day, I love just talking to my toddler about what he enjoyed the most about the day. It gives a little guidance to gratitude and reflection. And although your toddler may not be able to fully engage in the conversation yet, they'll at least be able to intently listen. And I think that kids are never too young to be able to reflect, be thankful, and even become spiritual during this process as they establish the foundation of being mindful individuals.

Healthy Hygiene

I think that a big part of letting our kids become more self-aware individuals, is letting them practice healthy daily activities. Such as brushing their teeth, washing up in the bath, putting lotion on, etc. I usually let my toddler do it all himself, and then together make sure it is all done.

I hope you all start implementing these daily activities in your toddler's days to help them thrive as they grow and learn quickly to get prepared for life.

What are some daily activities you enjoy with your toddler?


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