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Mommy Self Care

Self care, something that we all know is important, yet still let fade into the shadows. But here's the thing, with it comes the better version of ourselves. Because taking care of our own needs makes us a better mom, a better wife, and helps us ultimately feel better about ourselves. And it doesn't always require a lot of effort or time apart from our loved ones. Here are some of my favorite ways to a get a little self care in, even with minimal time.

Wake up before everyone else.

My easiest and favorite thing to do is to start my day off right by getting up before the rest of the house. Even if it only lasts for a few minutes. I can usually drink a full cup of HOT coffee and get in a chapter or two of my book of the week. All in some peace and quiet. It allows for the perfect "me time" before the craziness erupts to get grounded and center myself for the rest of the day.

Take a time out.

I know that this is a very brief one and something that I talk about a lot. But it's because I think that it is a really good one, and something that has helped me tremendously. Whenever I feel myself getting a little worked up, I always take a time out. I set my kids up in a safe environment that is in hearing distance and take two minutes to just be ALONE. Usually being the bathroom or my bedroom. It allows me to step away and take a much needed breather so that I can come back to my children feeling better, refreshed, and ready to take on the rest of the day...or until I need another time out.

Sit outside and soak in the sun rays.

As a mom, especially a stay-at-home one, I've found it WAY too easy to get stuck inside. My days seem to pass away too quickly in the mass of all of the chores that feels like it will NEVER end! But every now and then I like to make the point to change my scenery (which is usually the living room), close my eyes, and let the sun wash over my skin. It allows me to take at least one uninterrupted minute to let the heat warm the worries out of my system and breathe in the soft glow of the fresh set day.

Watch a movie after the kids fall asleep.

I know, that the bed is always calling your name by the end of the day. But, whenever I opt to rent a movie that's been sitting on my watch list, crank up the air conditioning, snuggle into a warm blanket, and indulge in some snacks (and maybe a glass of wine...or two), I feel so much better by the time my head hits the pillow.

Take up a new hobby.

I cannot tell you how good I have felt since starting this blog. It has been the best creative outlet that I have done in a LONG time. Even more so since I've decided to care less about the views and more about the expression it gives me.

A few more ideas:

- Try something new.

- Go on a walk.

- Meditate.

- Make a vision board.

- Connect with a friend or family member.

- Write in a journal.

- Listen to a podcast.

- Dance it out.

- Declutter your living space.

Whatever you gotta do, DO IT! Self care should never be an option, especially for moms. But I know how easy it can be to forget about ourselves when we are so wound in taking care of everyone else. So even if it is just once a week, for even a few minutes, take a little time to yourself to recharge for yourself and for your family!

How do you like to squeeze in a little self care?


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