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I Never Want to Forget

I never want to forget how hard this is. So often I've felt the judgement of others as they on looked tantrums, my parenting techniques, and the way that my babies even look. Even letting a lot of unkind comments or over-the-top sighs ruin mine and my kids days. Letting them destroy the value that I've held as a mother. Hiding the fact that I've switched over to formula or covering up my nursing babies. Always terrified of the comments or glares by those around me - family, friends, and strangers. But I've come to the conclusion that maybe all of these comments come from a place of not knowing or simply forgetting how hard the season of motherhood that I am in.

But I never want to forger how hard it has been to wake up every hour on the hour, to only be expected to function like more than a normal human being in the morning.

I never want to forget how hard it is to take care of two little lives while constantly being reminded that I need to also have the same care for my husband, home, and self.

I never want to forget that with every age, kid, and situation comes a new perspective and learning lesson. And that no parents will have the same exact experience as us, nor us as theirs.

It's so easy to let time slip away the memory of these days - the rough days, rougher nights, and everything in between. And while I without a doubt want to cherish those good memories over the bad, I know that I can't let this all slip away with it. Because in forgetting the darkness, I run the risk of not being true to myself, my motherhood journey, and my family. And that would be a real shame.


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