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Dec 13, 2019
Preschool at Home
Homeschooling CAN start in preschool! When I first started, I was nothing short of intimated. But I know that it is important for my...

Dec 13, 2019
Harsh Reality Check by My Toddler
Being a stay-at-home mom means that my computer and phone are like another limb to me. With every buzz of the phone, I react. Admittedly,...

Dec 11, 2019
Watching My Husband Become a Father
Becoming a mom was absolutely life-changing. The feeling that consumed my entire being happened in an indescribable flash. The...

Dec 10, 2019
Engaging With Baby
Life with having a brand new baby can be a huge adjustment. It’s exhausting, repetitive, overwhelming, and wonderful simultaneously. And...

Dec 9, 2019
Our Kids Won't Grow Up Believing in Santa
Christmas is easily the most magical time of the year - for numerous reasons. I truly love all of the holiday spirit entangled in it. But...

Dec 2, 2019
This is Motherhood
You want to know what motherhood is like? Well this is me. The real me - in the glory of motherhood. The woman who wears sweats all day...

Dec 2, 2019
Breastfeeding Complications and Challenges
Breastfeeding can be say the least. And especially in the early days. But I am here to say that you are not alone! For...
Nov 30, 2019
Things No One Tells You About Motherhood
I had my fair share of mommy books to read, friends to turn to, and advice after advice after advice. But I have to say, there’s been so...

Nov 29, 2019
Toddler Temper Tantrums
Last night, my 2 year old threw the biggest fit at the end of the party, kicking his legs and screaming at the top of his lungs all over...
Nov 26, 2019
Dealing With Mom Guilt
What is mom guilt? Basically the feeling of guilt for being completely human. Getting angry, yelling, stressed, and anxious - things that...

Nov 24, 2019
One Day, They'll be Grown
One day, they are going to stop sneaking into my room late at night to sleep on the end of the bed or get in a little bit of cuddles....

Nov 24, 2019
Dining with a Toddler
Anyone who has had a little one knows how completely dreadful it is to take them out to eat. When you include them in meals out of the...

Nov 24, 2019
Please, Teach Your Kids Some Manners
I don't expect my kids - nor anyone else's - to have impeccable manners all day, every day! Because let's be honest, they have many years...

Nov 21, 2019
Picking a Pediatrician
Many women don't know that they should actually pick a pediatrician during pregnancy! Doing so early on by setting up consultations with...

Nov 21, 2019
Medicine Cabinet Essentials for Baby
Nothing weighs on us mothers more than having a sick baby. You'll want to do just about anything to comfort them and get them back to...

Nov 18, 2019
Real Talk: My Toddler is an Asshole
Yeah, I said it! And I'll say it again. So what? At first I felt like a horrible mom, but now - GAME ON child! If you've ever had a...
Nov 18, 2019
I Don't Always Play With My Kids
Why is it so normalized for us modern moms to feel guilty over either not having the desire or time to play with our children? Is that...

Nov 13, 2019
I Love My Kids, but I Don't Always Like Them
When you become a mom, you realize that the definitions of "love" and "like" are not within the same realm. And do not have to coexist....

Nov 13, 2019
House Cleaning
Between all of the errands to be checked off the list, raising the kids, and the overall chaos of the everyday life, keeping the house...
Nov 12, 2019
My Survival Guide to Being a Stay-at-Home Mom
What do stay-at-home moms do all day? We work our damn asses off - that's what! We have to bathe the kids, clothe them, cook three meals,...
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