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My Survival Guide to Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

What do stay-at-home moms do all day? We work our damn asses off - that's what! We have to bathe the kids, clothe them, cook three meals, feed them, cuddle them when their tired, play with them, comfort them, rock them to sleep, change diapers, discipline them, launder all of the clothes, educate them, drive everywhere, encourage them, supervise them, and somehow try to squeeze in some nutrition for ourselves. Honestly, it is grueling, lonely, and never-ending. But it is also unbelievably amazing.

When I decided to be a SAHM, I had a clear-cut picture in my head of what that life was. It would be filled with with Pinterest-worthy arts and crafts, a clean and organized home, and amazing hot and ready meals ready for when my husband got home from work. But the truth is, I can honestly count on my hands how many times my days have actually worked in that way. Because being a SAHM is not at all like I ever imagined, and most of the time I do struggle. But through the bumps of the journey, I've learned some valuable lessons.

Make a Plan

Have an idea of what your day will look like the night before. Plan out the outfits, pack the bags, and know your activities. Because during the day it is hard to figure out any events and/or who to have a play date with that day. Especially when you have a toddler attached to your legs and a baby glued to your hip. Plus it always seems that the morning and early afternoon will slip away way too fast when you don't.

Get Out of the House

Just because you're a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean you are restricted to actually staying home. In fact if you do, you are going to go insane, the kids will go insane, and cleaning the house will be a never-ending story. So GET OUT. Even if that just means a fifteen minutes walk, trip to the play ground, and, yes, you can even count a trip to the grocery store! It's not about where you go out, but that you ARE out.

Do Some Self-Care

Being a SAHM is as full-time that a job can possibly get. There are no sick calls, vacation time, or lunch breaks. There is only being a mom - at all times. But it's important to invest in a little you time! That could mean getting up early, investing in a hobby, or actually leaving the kids for a few hours. And know that in doing so, you are not weak as a parent for wanting that alone time. You are simply taking time to better yourself in order to better your children.

Develop a Little Routine

It doesn't mean having a strict code to live by. But having a ritual that makes your days go by just a little bit easier. It could be having a time where crafts are made or a bedtime routine with baths and reading or a full day planned to a t. Whatever it may be, having one will definitely take away the headaches...most of the time anyways.

Don't be Afraid to Break the Rules

You are the rule setter, so whatever you say goes! So what if the kids want to stay in pajamas all day? That just means less laundry to do. Want to skip that mommy and me class to go to the Discovery Museum? Do it! Ditch the nap for some sugar filled ice cream? YES, PLEASE! Because all of those people who tell you that the kids grow up in a flash are the wisest people you'll know. So listen to them. And live in the moment sometimes.

Make Time with the Kids Count

Being a SAHM is so special, but it does come to an end. At some point, you'll either have to return to a job or the kids will just...grow up. So be a kid yourself. Go play, run, build, and destroy. Try not to fret about all of the cooking and cleaning you should be doing. Instead make peace with the mess for a few hours a day to try to let loose to just enjoy your kid's company.

When in Doubt be Silly

A little bit of laughter can save your whole day! When your kid is throwing a tantrum, refusing to do anything you suggest, or just simple is being a brat, bring in the fun. It will turn everyone to a new direction. Do anything you can think of - make a funny face, jump up and down on one leg, change the lyrics to a song, put a damn bucket on your head to act like a robot - whatever to put a smile on their face before you both become frustrated.

Count Your Blessings

I know that it can be easy to fall into a habit of whining and complaining when the day doesn't go your way. Especially after a long day. But we have to remember all of the moms who do nothing but wish to be home with their kids, but just can't. Sure you'll get frustrated at times and have your bad mommy days, but it is honestly such a gift to be able to focus solely on raising your kids the way you want! You get the chance to mold them and watch every single milestone. So try to have a grateful heart with the territory of being a SAHM.


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