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Dining with a Toddler

Anyone who has had a little one knows how completely dreadful it is to take them out to eat. When you include them in meals out of the house, you’re including someone who doesn’t sit still worth a damn, loves to throw tantrums at just the right times, and has very limited interest with the items on the menu. And now you are THAT person. You know the one. The one that everyone stares at in the restaurant and shakes their head like you don’t already feel embarrassed enough.

Choose the Right Place

Picking the perfect establishment doesn’t mean setting a limitation to fast food. It does however mean picking a family-friendly place that has high chairs, children’s menus, diaper changing station in the bathroom and at least a little bit of a noise volume as to blend in. Because taking them to a fancy restaurant is just setting them up to fail and yourself up for embarrassment. My favorite choice is always buffets! It gives kids plenty of choices, you can serve appropriate portions, and (an added plus) everyone is walking around so it doesn't matter how many times I'll need to get up with my toddler.

Go at the Right Time

Never, and I mean NEVER take out a tired child! You are only asking for a recipe for disaster. So always make sure to plan around their sleep schedule. And that also means beating the crowds! It'll make sure that you are seated faster, there are less distractions, and less people judging you for your unpredictable toddler.

Bring Entertainment

Trust me, these things work! Any toys that can easily fit onto a high chair or within their space on the table with suffice as long as they can hold your toddler's interest while either waiting for the food or finishing up the meal. Things such as finger puppets, sorting toys, or even (when things get kinda crazy) the iPad/phone. I know that the last is one that parents sit on the fence about, because I am definitely not a fan of electronics at the table either. But on some days we do use electronics just towards the end of the meal to get our son to sit still for desert and payment. But know that if you choose to use electronics like us, it will be more than likely that they will ask for it during another dining experience.

Don't Get Too Comfortable

Yes, it's normal for a toddler to last only about 20 minutes in a seat. And although it is completely frustrating, it is also completely reasonable. So that may mean making a trip or two to either the bathroom or outside with your toddler in order to hit the 'refresh' button.

Pick Your Meal ASAP

Now this is a big one - because it is going to save you SO much sanity in the long run. As soon as you can, make sure to place yours and your little one's order. Yes, both. Because you don't want to be caught in a situation where your toddler beats you to the finish line and then need some attention while you try to finish. I usually also try to bring a coupe snacks if it is closer to a big meal time and check the menu online.

Keep in Mind Other People

Even if you may be at a non-fancy restaurant, you should still have the same etiquette when respecting that the other people have a right to a peaceful meal. So again, don't be afraid to take those trips to fresh air, apologize to those around you, and leave a generous tip for any messes.

ALWAYS be Prepared to Leave

Even if everything else goes as planned, sometimes the meal can still turn sour. So always be prepared to go. My favorite thing to do is to ask for the check as we eat, so that by the time my toddler does start to get rowdy, we are completely ready to high-tail out of there! And sometimes it may even mean skipping desert or asking for to-go containers to finish the food at home. It is important to know when to say it's time to go. you'll save yourself, spouse, little one, and everyone else in the restaurant to frazzled nerves.


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