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Apr 27, 2020
At first I didn’t want to share my thoughts on the whole Covid-19 thing. Mostly because everyone already has. With rants being loud...

Apr 16, 2020
Why the Harry Potter Books are Some of My Favorite Books
Well it's about that time of the year that I do my annual Harry Potter reading/movie binging. A series that has been one of my favorites...

Mar 24, 2020
My Love for Books
As the world has turned a little crazy, I took a little time to focus on my family. And we’ve experienced a lot within these last couple...

Feb 24, 2020
Why We Can't Wait to Move to a Small Town
As many of you know, my husband and I have made the executive decision to pick up our family sometime this year and start a new life in a...

Feb 9, 2020
Open Letter to My Sister
Dear Briahna aka Sissy, Mom gave us a lot of things in life - she gave birth to us, gave us an education, provided a home, and made sure...

Feb 6, 2020
Open Letter to My Husband
Maybe it's because we have officially entered the love month or that Valentine's is fast approaching, but I am feeling a tremendous...

Feb 4, 2020
The Whisper Man Book Review
The Whisper Man by Alex North is one of those books that you don't even try to slow down to write down, blowing through it at record...

Feb 4, 2020
Lonesome Dove Book Review
This book touched my heart, making me cry, laugh, and mad in so many moments. Which has now become one of my favorite books ever. In...

Feb 3, 2020
Open Letter to My Messy Home
To my messy home, Wow, you've really let yourself go lately. Granted, you weren't exactly in the best shape in the first place before we...

Feb 1, 2020
February Goals
This is my third month setting monthly goals. And I have to say that it will definitely be a continuous thing. Because setting goals has...

Jan 29, 2020
Organizing My Planner
How many times did I post last week? What should I post this week? What's on the schedule again for Christopher's "preschool" learning?...

Jan 14, 2020
Las Posadas
As we finished up the last Posada this weekend, I wanted to share one of the most traditional festivities that my in-law family...

Jan 7, 2020
An Open Letter to My Mom
Dear mom, Simply put, you are a pure magical being to me, even more so now that I am a mother of my own. I honestly don’t know how you...

Jan 1, 2020
January 2020 Goals
Welcome to the new decade! Even if I don’t succeed at every goal I set, I feel better having written them down.  It keeps me motivated....

Dec 31, 2019
2019: Year in Review
A lot happened in 2019. It was a big year for me and my family! And as we end out 2019 I wanted to do a review of our family timeline to...

Dec 30, 2019
If I Never Had Kids
When was the last time you felt just completely overwhelmed? A week ago, yesterday, maybe even earlier today? My guess is, that it really...

Dec 27, 2019
Our Christmas 2019
Even more than ever now, I believe in the complete awe and wonder of everything that Christmas stands for. If you stop to think about it,...

Dec 26, 2019
Best of 2019
I wanted to do kind of pin-point everything that was the best within this year. In the moment, I found it kind of difficult to get it...

Dec 24, 2019
Family Pictures
The holiday season is upon us! And as the festive part of the year is all about spending time with family and making lasting memories, it...

Dec 17, 2019
Holiday Traditions
I don't know about you, but when I think back to every Christmas during my childhood, it was NEVER about the gifts. It's always the...
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