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An Open Letter to My Mom

Dear mom,

Simply put, you are a pure magical being to me, even more so now that I am a mother of my own. I honestly don’t know how you did it, how you found the strength, how you endured both emotionally and physically, and how you survived. I get glimpses into your world when Marc leaves for extended periods of time due to work, but at some point it all comes to an end. And I realize that yours never did. You did it all on your own.

It is impossible to even begin to put into words everything that I should be thankful for. It actually took me a long time to even want to write this letter. But looking back over the years, I have so many memories—more memories than you have photos, if that’s possible. And when I think back on these special moments, which knit together have become our family’s life, I’m struck by your presence most of all. Even when my father was there (which he really wasn’t) your light glowed bright, and somehow when he left us as you worked full-time and went to school full-time, that light never dimmed. If anything, it only shined brighter.

To me, you have never been my mom, you have been a role model, the strongest woman I know, and a down right super hero. You constantly showed me to find the good in life, even when I knew that it was hard to find it yourself. I know that suddenly becoming a single mother was difficult. But you made it look as easy as pie to balance a career, college life, four teenagers, and extracurricular activities, even when I knew it wasn’t. Your selflessness is one of the many reasons i admire you.

Your time was never your own - it always ran on ours or was measured carefully. Even on the days when I'm sure that all you longed for was a good nap after a long day of work, you still put our needs before your own. You showed up. For every event, competition, field trip, and much more, and NEVER gave up. You were as dedicated to us as you could ever be to anything. You’ve set a new perspective to my days. When I think that I have it hard, I think of you and my complaints fade quickly into gratefulness.

Your unconditional love had set the tone for what I knew I wanted in life. Because at the time, it’s all I felt I needed. And that was enough. In fact, you gave me double the love that I ever need nor deserved. You taught me that when someone truly wants to be in your life, they will not only make you feel loved, but in the most difficult times, that you are loved. And now you give that love to my children. Thank you for absolutely EVERYTHING that you have done for us. From working a full night shift and coming home to take care of us, to bouncing back and forth between us kids during our sports to make sure someone was always there to cheer us on, to giving us everything that we ever wanted, to giving me the perfect role model to play off of as I became a mom myself, to loving my children with your entire being. You are wonder woman and I am forever grateful to have you as my mother.

Love you always,

Your daughter


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