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Why the Harry Potter Books are Some of My Favorite Books

Well it's about that time of the year that I do my annual Harry Potter reading/movie binging. A series that has been one of my favorites from the very beginning. If you're a Harry Potter fan like me, then I'm sure that you also have multiple reasons as to why you chose to get lost in the magical world. And if you're not, then let me tell you why we love it for the many lessons to be learned and magical moments to experience.

The Magical World

Growing up, I was always kind of a loner - choosing to stay inside most days reading, writing, and drawing. As early as I could remember, if I ever felt the need to escape, all I had to do was crack open those crisp pages of a book. Then my mind could go to a different place. With Harry Potter, it was a world that I could live along side the characters as they tried to save the wizarding world. One that felt far removed from the life that we know. But still familiar and in all honesty, completely plausible. Rowling having this breadth of imagination that shaped and invented a wizarding parallel that extended even to the most mundane tasks such as a high street, night bus, or even going to the bank. All of it contributing to the overall magnificence of the wizarding world. And also to add that there is also the unknown that adds to the whole things. There are so many things that we have yet to find out. But isn't that what Pottermore is for?

With Hogwarts. A school that has so much heritage, cool secret corridors, ever-changing staircases, glamorous balls, long robes, and endless feasts. Enough magic that made our muggle schools seem incredibly boring and lacking in...well I guess magic. And of course we can't forget all of the magical creatures. A terrifying three-headed beast of a dog ironically named Fluffy, invisible to only some thestrals, the deathly basilisk, the regal spider Aragog, the list truly goes on and on. The breadth and expansion of the author's imagination is one that comes alive with the catalogue of beasts, animals, and bogarts living within the wizarding world. Also, we can't leave this part without a special shout out to Dobby.

The Community

If you've even heard about the houses within Harry Potter, chances are that you've tried to place yourself. Knowing your patronus, which class you'd excel at, and even how you would try to clear Umbridge off Hogwart's grounds for good. Because the author created this magical tale on a journey that wasn't just fascinating, but also made a whole community out of readers who are obsessed and devoted to the characters tangled within. Making us all think that we could be a wizard ourselves. Me, still waiting for my attendance letter myself (haha).

The Attention to Detail

Between the costumes and descriptions, one of the main reasons the series is so beloved is it's attention to detail. Harry had a lightening-shaped scar, broken glasses, and his mother's eyes. And Umbridge had this saccharine aesthetic that governed the different elitist approaches of Beauxbatons, Durmstrand, or even the Hogwarts students.

One thing that I absolutely love about the books is how much J.K. Rowling put into her characters. Not naming someone just for the sake of it. Not at all. With Harry Potter, every character had traits and a name that were well-thought-out to be in line with what their narrative would be. Some of my personal favorites are Hedwig (Harry's oh-so-famous pet owl that references one of the pillars of the whole series), Dumbledore (Bee in old English translation that also referenced his love for music and that she pictured him always humming), even Moaning Myrtle (who was minor in the story but had a significant reason in which represnted the omnipresence of hysterical girls), and of course Hermione (if you were like me, you sat on the edge of your seat waiting for the film's correct pronunciation of her name - wondering if it would be Hermy-one, Hermee-on-ee, or Her-my-oh-nee).

The Story Itself

I'm a big sucker for the plot twists. And the Harry Potter series did not disappoint. Using disguised and dismissed inclusions that seemed to somehow help the story continue on without revealing major future revelations.

The series got young kids reading. Especially since it was released before the age of internet took over their worlds. Getting them invested into the world of literature early on. Even including myself. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was the first chapter book that I read fully on my own.

All which sure the wonder you would think would be in the magic, but the there are also so many values instilled within that incorporate intrinsic human qualities. Making it all somehow much more reachable and believable. Personally, it taught me three main things: that love conquers all, to be selfless, and that life's not always fair but you have to keep fighting.

And lastly, the books gave me words to live by. Words that made me laugh, cry, scream, and gave me a pit in my stomach from the suspense. Some of my favorites include: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live", "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matter is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are", and of course "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn the light on."

Although some may find the love for Harry Potter overkill, I do not. Because it has always been here. Through great memories, tough times, and creating numerous bonds with shared-interest friends. It's a special community I'm glad to be apart of...ALWAYS. Because in the words of J.K. Rowling, “No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”


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