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2019: Year in Review

A lot happened in 2019. It was a big year for me and my family! And as we end out 2019 I wanted to do a review of our family timeline to reflect and reminisce.

Found Out We Were Having a GIRL!

On January 23rd, we finally broke the Valero curse. We found out that we were expecting the first girl on my husband's side of the family. It was absolutely perfect. Ever since high school, my husband and I always imagined having two kids - a boy then a girl. And that's exactly how our life turned out.

My Niece Was Born

On February 19th, Miss Lucy Nicole Moreno was born at 7:34 am. And she was perfect. With a length of 19 1/2 inches and a weight of 6 lbs 13 oz. I never knew that I could love someone so much (outside of my own kids) as when I became an aunt. Lucy is the happiest, gorgeous, and goofiest little girl. And I am so thankful to be in her life. I cannot wait to not only see the person she becomes, but also see her grow up with my kids along the way.

Baby Shower

On April 21st, I had the most perfect baby shower for our little girl. With my son I had two separate showers, but this time I decided to just do one blended one. And it was amazing. Not only did I have all my family together, but I also reconnected with my father's parents. I was so happy to have them there on one of my most special days, introduce them to my crazy family, and just have some time together.

Christopher Turned TWO!

On May 9th, my little car and dinosaur loving boy entered the world of the terrible twos! He accomplished a lot this year. He is now completely potty trained (night time included), says his ABCs almost completely by himself, counts to ten in two languages, is forming SO many sentences, learned how to ride a bike (with training wheels of course), and has found a new love for superheros, games, and doing even more big boy stuff.

AnnaLynne Was Born

On June 3rd, I was given one of the biggest blessings and scariest moments of my life! AnnaLynne Rose Valero entered the world at 6:29 am at 18 3/4 inches long with a 6 lbs 8 oz weight. She also entered with the umbilical cord wrapped around three times, no air in her lungs, and very blue skin. I have never been more scared or sad in my life. And I am so thankful for my family's support as well as the doctors, nurses, and CNAs that acted so fast to get my baby girl breathing, warm, and the most beautiful pink color I've seen in my life.

Valero Family Six Flags Trip

On August 17th, the Valero family took a trip down to Valejo, California for an amazing day at Six Flags. Christopher got on his first roller coaster, saw butterflys for the first time, took so pictures with characters, and had the most fun with his cousins. AnnaLynne enjoyed long naps in the stroller the whole time. And at the end, we got everyone superhero capes (well Christopher's is a villain of course - he loves all the villains in movies).

Catangay Annual Family Trip

From August 24th to the 29th, we took my family's annual trip to Tahoe and the rib cook-off. It was full of amazing food, time at the beach, matching shirts (kind of our thing), scooter rides, swimming, WAY too many pictures, belly aches from laughing so hard, and so much fun!

AnnaLynne Got Ears Pierced

On September 2nd, our little princess got her first set of bling. We took her to Claire's and got her ears pierced. And she did awesome! Only cried for about one minute max, and then was back to our smiling girl in no time. And she looks beautiful with that bit of gold rested on her ears! We decided to this so little because it'll heal faster, she wouldn't care as much about the pain from it (short attention span), and she didn't really have the ability to tug at them to take them off yet.

San Jose Trip

From September 24th to October 1st, we took a trip with my mom to visit in San Jose. It was a week full of great-grandparent love, more amazing food, activities, shopping, lots of laughs and smiles, and of course all of the fun that comes with cousin time!

Pumpkin Patch Fun x2

On October 13th and 25th, we took two separate trips to the pumpkin patch. Now our annual fall activity. And this year was so much more fun. Christopher was able to throughly enjoy it all. We went on hay rides, pet animals, rode horses, did corn mazes, spent quality family time, and picked out the best pumpkins!

A Rawr Halloween

I love to have a theme for Halloween every year, and this year was DINOSAURS! One of Christopher's favorite things. I craved out dinosaurs on our pumpkins, dressed the kids as dinosaurs, dressed myself as a park ranger, and built a cage for our wagon. It was so much fun to get creative with the kids and Chris was so excited!

Starting the Blog

This year I took a BIG leap in my life. I decided to put myself on full display. I have always loved to write, I mean I wrote my first CHAPTER book in the third grade. And I know that I've always wanted to do something with it, but I didn't know exactly what until I found my niche. Parenting. And I am so glade that I started this. It has been the most rewarding experience. I cannot wait to see how it will grow next year, and even if it doesn't grow by much, that's okay. This whole thing is about me being able to be creative, expressive, and my full self. And if I get something else out of it then I am even more grateful!

Two Weeks with Three Kids

I honestly can't even remember the exact days that I spent with three kids, because it all ran together. I took in my niece for about two weeks as my sister got back surgery and recovered for a little bit. And although it was fun and I git a swing of things, it showed me exactly why I DO NOT want a third child.

Valero Family Pictures

On December 21st, we decided to complicate the most simplest task - taking pictures. My husband's grandpa was in town from Mexico, and we have been talking about taking new family pictures since before my son was born. Now we finally got to do it. And it was successful, except for one participant. But I'm glad we did it. Now, we have a tangible item that shows our growing family, something we can one day look back on to reminisce about.

Perfect Christmas

This holiday season was perfect. Better than I could have ever imagined. And I think that is in big part due to finally feeling like my own family. Of course I felt like a family when we had Chris, but now that we are moved into our own space and completed our family members, the holidays felt just so much merrier.

What‘s Next...

I don‘t want to give away too much of what we have planned for next year mostly because some of it may not work out. But from what I can tell you, it’s going to be pretty darn good. We have the kid‘s baptism, first birthdays, first Disneyland trip, moving, vacations, and just so much more. I cannot wait to share it all with you. So stay tuned, subscribe, read, comment, and share. Talk to you all next year!


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