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Feb 9, 2020
Open Letter to My Sister
Dear Briahna aka Sissy, Mom gave us a lot of things in life - she gave birth to us, gave us an education, provided a home, and made sure...

Feb 6, 2020
Open Letter to My Husband
Maybe it's because we have officially entered the love month or that Valentine's is fast approaching, but I am feeling a tremendous...

Feb 3, 2020
Open Letter to My Messy Home
To my messy home, Wow, you've really let yourself go lately. Granted, you weren't exactly in the best shape in the first place before we...

Jan 29, 2020
Organizing My Planner
How many times did I post last week? What should I post this week? What's on the schedule again for Christopher's "preschool" learning?...

Jan 14, 2020
Las Posadas
As we finished up the last Posada this weekend, I wanted to share one of the most traditional festivities that my in-law family...

Jan 7, 2020
An Open Letter to My Mom
Dear mom, Simply put, you are a pure magical being to me, even more so now that I am a mother of my own. I honestly don’t know how you...

Dec 27, 2019
Our Christmas 2019
Even more than ever now, I believe in the complete awe and wonder of everything that Christmas stands for. If you stop to think about it,...

Dec 26, 2019
Best of 2019
I wanted to do kind of pin-point everything that was the best within this year. In the moment, I found it kind of difficult to get it...

Dec 17, 2019
Holiday Traditions
I don't know about you, but when I think back to every Christmas during my childhood, it was NEVER about the gifts. It's always the...

Dec 3, 2019
I am in Love with the Snow
Snow is just the most magical thing to me. It has the ability to transport you. To a place full of wonder and beauty in every direction....

Nov 29, 2019
A Week with Three Kids
On November 21st, my sister was set to receive back surgery so I decided to take on the task of having THREE kids for a whole week! It...

Nov 28, 2019
What I am Thankful For This Year
Happy thanksgiving everyone! A day that is more than just merely a holiday to be had in late November for the consumption of turkey and...

Nov 21, 2019
What My Parents' Divorce Taught Me
Going through my parents' divorce was one of the most impactful experiences that I have ever had. And almost nine years later, I still...

Nov 13, 2019
House Cleaning
Between all of the errands to be checked off the list, raising the kids, and the overall chaos of the everyday life, keeping the house...

Nov 13, 2019
An Open Letter to My Dad
Dear "Dad", Hello, my name is Jordan. I thought that I should reintroduce myself since I am no longer the little girl you left at...

Nov 8, 2019
Pumpkin Patch Fun
Fall is upon us! Which means that it is time to take the annual trip on down to the pumpkin patch. Since I was a kid, it has always been...
Nov 4, 2019
My House Isn't Perfect
"Don't judge me, I didn't have time to clean the house yet". I have probably said this sentence more times than I can possibly count. At...
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