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What I am Thankful For This Year

Happy thanksgiving everyone! A day that is more than just merely a holiday to be had in late November for the consumption of turkey and pie. A day for not only the gathering of friends and family. And a day that is so much more than the opportunity to score big on prices of electronics. But a day that is a way of life! A day that shows us how to admire the beauty and goodness of our lives.

And in holding up to it, I am choosing to look at all of the beauty in the chaos that I often feel.

I am choosing to see the early morning wake ups as a sign of how lucky I am to have a family and healthy children to wake up to.

To see a house that needs to be cleaned as a sign that I have a nice, safe, and warm place to live.

To see the mountain of laundry in the corner as the amount of clothes that we are all fortunate enough to wear.

To see the dirty dishes piling up in the sink as the fact that we not only have food on the table and in the cabinets, but full bellies as well.

To see all of the little crumbs splattered across the floor as amazing memories of all of the family meals that we all shared together.

To see the many grocery shopping trips as the ability to have money to use when we need something.

To see the bathroom to scrub as the allowance of running water and indoor plumbing.

To see all of the noise as my kids enjoying their lives and playing their hearts out.

To see all of the never ending questions as a learning opportunity for my passionately curious toddler.

To see all of the bills from doctors visits as having the means to medical care.

To see my clinging children as a want to having me in their lives.

To see the constant clutter as us having more than we need and not less then.

To see the feeling of time slipping by way too fast during a day as my life being so full.

To see my kids immediate joy when my husband gets home as a sign that I chose the best father and husband for my family.

And to see that all of the body aches and tiredness that I feel at the end of the day as a tangible reminder of what it feels like to be alive!

Because I am so thankful to be apart of the beautiful chaos of being a wife and mother! To have had another year to spend with my family. A year full of tantrums, picky eating, and messes. Because it means that I am the luckiest woman in the whole world. Sigh.


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