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A Week with Three Kids

On November 21st, my sister was set to receive back surgery so I decided to take on the task of having THREE kids for a whole week! It was not easy transitioning from two to three kids, and took a few days to get into a rhythm of the whole thing. And although on most days I only drank one glass of water, missed at least one meal, and only really peed twice, I had an amazing time and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to let my sister get some rest and spend some quality time with my niece, Lucy.

Day 1: November 20th

The first day on my own...and probably the worst! My sister left around 10 am to head back to San Jose, leaving me with all three kids, and I was nervous to say the least. I have never had to take care of three kids for an extended amount of time completely alone, let alone two that were so close in age (4 months apart). But I wasn't going to let it show. Somehow this first day the girls became so linked in their abilities to nap and cry together. Lucy was missing her mom and needed all of my attention, while AnnaLynne was confused as to why some of her attention was being taken away. We didn't get to do any of our usual reading or singing time, or have any calm breaks. But somehow in the chaos of it all, I got everyone fed on the right times, napping, and dressed by the end of the day. And we even got out of the house...well for about 15 minutes. We were supposed to go to my mother-in-laws, but after no one being home and of course not answering their phones, we decided to fill our truck up with some gas and get some Wendy's for dinner. Afterwards, I managed to get all three kids in bed by 10:45 pm. And I also managed to fall of the bed in the middle of the night, slamming my lower back in the corner of our dresser. I thought that this day would set the tone for the rest of the week, but it didn't at all. It was just a hard adjustment that hit a little strong.

Day 2: November 21st

This day started SO much smoother. All three kids got up around the same time, and lounged in my bed while watching Monsters University for about an hour. Then we started our day. I was able to actually take turns with the girls, feeding one while the other played and vice versa. And both managed to nap together for a long period of time so that I could get in a little focused time with Christopher. Then we also got in a little bit of song time and reading time. By the end of our day, I got all three kids dressed once again and out the door to my mother-in-laws to eat some pupusas. On our way home, Lucy fell asleep and had an easy transition into bed. AnnaLynne fell asleep by 10, and Christopher was running around until about midnight.

Day 3: November 22nd

This day was a sleep deprivation to the max day! And it was all due to my own kid. For some reason, Christopher thought that it was acceptable to have full energy at 2 am. And I mean full energy. So I sat in the living room with him, watching movies with him and then finally got in our first shower (of course together, because what is motherhood if you don't have a little one in your shower almost every time) in the last two days before he fell back to sleep at 7 am. And just as I finished my pumping session and began to lay down with the girls, they were both up by 7:45 am. So it was time to start our day! They had their morning bottles in bed after diaper changes, and both fed on and off. AnnaLynne was the first to take a nap, so I threw Lucy into the bath and got her dressed for the day. Then just as she drifted off, AnnaLynne woke up, got bathed, and dressed. Then Christopher got up around 9:30 am. Around 10 am, my mom and brother came to visit the kids to take some cute pictures! Then they left just as my husband got home from work. He then took Chris to get a little alone time as my mother-in-law came over for dinner. By the end of the night, the girls were in bed by 9:45 pm and Christopher by 1 am.

Day 4: November 23rd

I think that this was the day where things really started getting into an actual rhythm and flow that made all the rest of the days just so much easier! AnnaLynne had gotten up before everyone else, so I took the time to get her a bottle, feed her a little food, and get her dressed for the day. Lucy was next to get up, and since AnnaLynne was happy she played as I repeated the morning process with Lucy. Then Chris got up right after, then it was his turn as the girls played. It was an easy day, the girls napped easily - falling asleep, getting up, getting diaper changed, and being fed right after each other. There was hardly any fuss for the day...until after dinner at my mother-in-laws, where we had to leave early because all were just so tired and wanted to get to bed pronto. And all were in bed by 10 pm.

Day 5: November 24th

This day was a completely smooth day. All of the kids got up, fed, bathed and dressed by 9:30 am. It was a weekend day, so my husband was home to help with everyone. We had pizza for lunch and Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. Lucy was in bed by 9:30 pm, Christopher by 10:30 pm, and AnnaLynne by 11:30 pm.

Day 6: November 25th

Christopher and Lucy were both up simultaneously at around 5:30 am lounging in my bed watching a movie, and AnnaLynne was up by 6:40 am. Afterwards, the morning was a little hectic. Lucy wanted to be carried, Christopher had a potty accident, and I spilled all of my newly pumped milk all over AnnaLynne because the bottle lid wasn't screwed on right. But after everyone went down from a nap, our schedule got right back on track. My mom came over with some lunch, we all go out of the house for a target run with her, and after we got back home my mom watched the girls so that I could make a gingerbread house with Christopher. And that night we all ended up at my mother-in-laws for a carne asada dinner. By the night, everyone was in bed by 9:30 pm.

Day 7: November 26th

Probably the easiest day of them all! AnnaLynne was up at 7:15, Lucy at 7:30, and Chris at 9:30. The girls lounged in bed until Christopher woke up, so they ended up having late breakfasts and morning naps. It was an easy day. There was no fuss, no messes, no fights, and just so much happiness. It was the best way to spend our last full day all together! An added plus - everyone was in bed by 8:45 pm so I even got to have a shower all to myself!

Day 8: November 27th

They must've all known it was the last day together, because everyone was up at 5 am! We started our day as usual - bottles, food, and getting dressed. My mom came around 1:45 pm to come pick up Lucy and start to make the lumpia for Thanksgiving. And then they left around 5:30 pm.


I love my niece to the ends of Earth, but this week just solidified the exact reason why I don't want to have a third child. I found myself being drawn in way too many directions, my husband and I were completely outnumbered, and I had to take time away from each child to accommodate for time spent with the others. Of course I got a swing of things after a few days, but I love having my two amazing kids and taking my niece every now and then. I mean isn't that what being an aunt is all about anyways?


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