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Jan 30, 2020
Having Dogs and Babies
When you find out that you're pregnant, you are overwhelmed with all of the natural feelings of nervousness and excitement. And if you're...

Jan 29, 2020
Organizing My Planner
How many times did I post last week? What should I post this week? What's on the schedule again for Christopher's "preschool" learning?...

Jan 27, 2020
The Lasts
Sometimes we have these moments that we wish we could hold onto forever. The first time that we become a mother, that our babies smile,...

Jan 26, 2020
Teething...the word alone can make mamas cringe. It’s a battle that takes a lot of fight, but one that we are determined to win for ours...

Jan 25, 2020
Mommy Self Care
Self care, something that we all know is important, yet still let fade into the shadows. But here's the thing, with it comes the better...

Jan 24, 2020
Getting Toddler to Brush Teeth
It's no secret that sometimes getting a toddler to brush their teeth can be a bit challenging, often feeling more like a chore than an...

Jan 22, 2020
Transitioning to a Two-Kid Family
This morning on Instagram, I had someone ask "what's the difference you saw since having two kids, instead of just one?" and it got me...

Jan 21, 2020
Someday I'll Be Me Again
Someday I'll be me again. Someday I'll start to read grown up books that peak my interest and challenge my own intellect more often than...

Jan 21, 2020
Establishing Story Time
From the moment that you are expecting, you are bombarded with unsolicited parenting advice. Messages about the importance of reading...

Jan 18, 2020
The Pacifier
Pacifier, paci, nuk nuk, binky, and chupon - the many names for the tiniest thing that is like mommy magic. It's easy, quick, and turns...

Jan 16, 2020
Eczema in Children
Having children with eczema can be stressful, to say the least. You are in constant worry if your child is uncomfortable and itchy. And...

Jan 15, 2020
Parenting a Two-Year-Old
My son is two. Very two. The past six months have been filled with all of those terrible twos nonsensical mother vs. toddler battles. And...

Jan 15, 2020
Steps Toward Crawling
Between the months of six and ten, babies hit a big milestone - crawling. It takes a lot of coordination with arms and legs, and also...
Jan 14, 2020
I Feel Like the Worst Mom Ever
Some days, I’m just the worst mom ever. I’m coming into my third year of motherhood and yet I still make simple rookie mistakes. I forget...

Jan 6, 2020
I’m officially going to open the blog to one of the most talked about controversies in motherhood, co-sleeping. Before I had my son, it...

Jan 4, 2020
Milk Baths for Baby
Many moms aren’t aware of the benefits of breastmilk outside of just simply feeding. From creating teething popsicles to healing eczema,...

Dec 30, 2019
If I Never Had Kids
When was the last time you felt just completely overwhelmed? A week ago, yesterday, maybe even earlier today? My guess is, that it really...

Dec 24, 2019
Family Pictures
The holiday season is upon us! And as the festive part of the year is all about spending time with family and making lasting memories, it...

Dec 24, 2019
Taking a Toddler to the Movies
What can a parent do to ensure that they can take their toddler to the movies, not waste their money, and still get to enjoy the whole...

Dec 23, 2019
New Found Love
I thought I knew love before I had kids. I love my husband - I mean, we’ve been together for 8 years, I’ve gotta love that man. Over the...
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