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November Date Night: Comedy Show

Once a month, my husband and i make a point to drop the kids off for the night and get in some US time, just the two of us to connect, communicate, and listen. It is so important in a marriage to continuously date the person you are married to. That way the love, passion, and enjoyment you had during the actual dating period never fades. This month was a comedy show. With our favorite comedian, Bert Kreischer.

Got a Little Dressed Up

I always try to make a point to make it look like I'm taking care of how I look for our date nights. I try to wear the right outfit, do my makeup, and control the curls by straightening it. This time I went with just a simple lower cut shirt, jeans, softer eye shadow with just mascara, and some flats. And my husband wore a simple shirt, jacket, hat, jeans, and cowboy boots. Both kind of our go-to for date nights.

The Tickets

We made sure to get our tickets ahead of time to avoid disappointment. Actually, my mother-in-law bought them for us two months ago for my birthday present since she knew about our monthly date nights (mostly because she's our babysitter). The seats were perfect. Not too close, not too far away, and right in the middle.

We Got There Early

The show didn't start until 9 pm, but the doors we're set to open at 7:30 pm. And if you need to know anything about me, I love to get everywhere early. And we were able to get right up to the bar for some drinks. Because let's be honest, everything is more enjoyable when you're a little tipsy!

The Show

The openers for the show were Rory Lowe, Jesus Trejo, and Dave Williamson. And let me tell you, they started the show off right! We were both laughing so hard from the very start. Actually, I was in tears from the very start. It was amazing. And for Bert. Well he exceeded all of our expectations. It was the best show, especially for our first comedy show.


And then afterwards we grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to get the kids from grandma's house.


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