My husband and I have decided to live a more traditionally marriage. No, that does not mean that I am a door mat that is walked all over. And no, he is not a dictator.
However I am the sole person who scrubs all of the toilets, mops the floors, does all of the laundry, cooks the meals, and does the dishes...just to name a few of the things. And him? Well he works damn hard day to day to bring home the money and provide for our family. And that's just simply how it works for me, him, our relationship, and our family.
If you are wondering, no, I have not completely lost myself. In all actuality, I've found someone who makes me feel more like myself than I think I ever could not meeting him. Being a mother and wife, I do follow more of the traditional roles of woman. We think that it is important to not only have a family, but also for me to devote myself to raising them. And in that, that means that I look after the house, doing all possible household chores to be able to create and maintain home comfort the entirety of my family. And I love it. I love being able to teach the kids exactly what we want them to know, and raise them exactly the way we want them to.
But also, I will admit that I am not my own person. Because when we decided to get married and have children, we both got rid on the notion of "me" to become to better of "we".
And in that he leads. Not pushing and pulling, but leading. When we need to make a big decision in our lives, the final choice is ultimately his because he maintains the family power and control. But only after we've talked it through together.
So yes, we live a traditional marriage in the sense that we believe that I should stay home to raise the kids, cook, and clean; and believe that he should work to provide for our family. And it is a life that works the best for us.