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5 Little Ducks (5 Minutes)

Materials: None Instructions:

  • Lay with your baby on your backs on a bed or other soft surface.

  • Sing the “5 Little Ducks Song” along with the hand gestures

”1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Counting with hand)

5 little ducks went swimming one day (Holding up 5 fingers)

Over the hills and far away (Making a snake motion like going over hills with hand)

Mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack' (Making hand like beak - opening and closing)

And only 4 little ducks came back (Holding up 4 fingers)"

Repeat until zero.

"Sad mama duck went swimming one day

Over the hills and far away (Making a snake motion like going over hills with hand)

Mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack' (Making hand like beak - opening and closing)

And all 5 little ducks came back!"

Temperature Bags (5 Minutes)

Materials: 2 Ziploc bags, ice, masking tape, and water


  • Fill the Ziploc bags, one with warm water and the other with cold water and ice cubes.

  • Make sure both are sealed properly and tape over all the edges for extra concealment.

  • Lay your baby on their tummy on a soft surface.

  • Let them discover the bags by placing their hand on one and then transitioning to other. Then hold them in a stand position and help them walk over the bags to explore with their feet.

Tip: Describe to them what they're feeling as they touch it, saying "warm" and "cold".

Light Up Shapes (5 Minutes)

Materials: Flashlight, black construction paper, scissors, and tape. Instructions:

  • Start by cutting out different shapes out of the constructions paper such as a circle, triangle, square, diamond, and rectangle.

  • Tape them to the wall with a little space in between.

  • Turn the lights off in the room and place your baby facing the wall in your lap.

  • One by one, turn the flashlight onto a shape for 10-20 seconds, engaging their attention before turning it off.

  • Repeat until done with shapes or baby becomes disinterested.

Walking On Clouds (5 Minutes)

Materials: Shaving cream and sheet pan


  • Set up a sheet pan FULL of shaving cream.

  • Lay your baby on their back with their feet just reaching the pan.

  • Encourage them to discover the cream by placing their feet into it and moving them all around.

Tip: Place a towel underneath the pan or do the activity on a easy-to clean surface.


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